You may be wondering, what on earth is the Liebster New Blogger Award? Well, I wondered the same, but I can now tell you. It is an award shared by new bloggers (think I still qualify having had my blog for just over a year and still just a small following…thank you, readers!) and designed to help bloggers promote other new bloggers. Nominated bloggers are given a list of questions to answer, so others can find out more about them. A nominated blogger then nominates other bloggers.
I was nominated for this award by Jen from Mumversation blog, many thanks Jen! I am incredibly impressed with Jen’s blog which is less than a couple months old, yet she already has many interesting posts and she has written some great poems too. I don’t know how she finds the time, with 2 little ones! It’s great to be nominated as I would love readers to know a little more about me, and I’d like to help other bloggers out too!
So here we go:
1. Why did you start blogging?
The answer to this is actually already in my “About Me” page – but here is my answer:
I started this blog on an impulse. When I was a child myself my mother gave me a lovely scented diary at the age of 8. I recall the moment so clearly, it was pink and had a lock and key, and was divided into four pastel-coloured sections, each with a different gorgeous smell. I was so taken with it I devoted myself to writing on those scented papers every day. And then I went onto many more exercise books and more grown-up looking diaries.
But as the years rolled by I became too busy with my studies, work, social life and the writing became infrequent. And then I had children! Now that my children are 9, 5 and 3 things are getting (slightly) more manageable I am keen to write about my experiences again, in particular travel…to escape, reflect and remember, but also to reach out to other parents who are looking for fun, doable trips to enjoy with their kids, as I know this can be a challenge and it helps so much to be armed with the right equipment and useful information.
Also. My life is basically chaos. However, I have been asked many a time, how on earth do I manage as a mum of 3, and do I have any tips? Well, I definitely don’t have all the answers to parenting, and spend most of my time trying to stay afloat…but occasionally I do stumble upon a useful gem…and then I really am keen to share!
2. What is your favourite post from your own blog? Why?
My favourite post is probably the one about going to Kidzania London with my 8 year old daughter. We just had such a great day out and I enjoyed having that mummy and daughter time. The post is here if you’d like to take a look.
3. What is your favourite place to visit in the UK?
I love the Cotswolds! It is so beautiful, and we have spent a few Christmases there, so I have lots of happy memories of our visits. Also we love going to Birdland, which is an unassuming bird park in the Cotswolds, with a fun dinosaur trail that our middle son (now age 5) loves. You can read my post about it here if you’re interested!
4. Who is someone who greatly inspires you? Why?
My mother inspires me greatly, I don’t know how she managed to raise 4 children before the age of internet shopping and other conveniences, and since becoming a mother myself I am more baffled and impressed every day.
5. Do you have any pets? Share a picture if you can.
I don’t have any pets at the moment, but if I ever get one I’d love to have a short-haired daschund.
6. What celebrity would you most like to be?
Honestly I’m quite happy being myself! I don’t think I’d enjoy being in the spotlight…!
7. What is your favourite food? And your least favourite?
That’s easy. My favourite food is chicken, especially the dish Hainanese chicken rice. I’ll share a link here to the recipe later (once I’ve written the post!)
8. Share your worst habit.
My worst habit at the moment is staying up too late and therefore being constantly tired. Others may say I have worse habits but this is the most self-destructive one at the moment!
9. What are you most proud of in your life?
I’m most proud of my children! They are all fantastic little human beings. Even if they do make me crazy sometimes!
10. What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
I’m afraid to say the first thing would probably be book a trip somewhere incredible!
11. Describe yourself in three words.
Curious, optimistic, and hungry
11 random facts about me:
- I was born in the UK and am Malaysian-Chinese by origin
2. I lived in America for 7 years
3. I have lived and studied in several places including Chicago, Brighton and Coventry
4. As a child I used to love doing magic tricks and once did a show for my younger sister’s birthday party
5. I scuba-dived in a shipwreck
6. I’ve travelled to Tibet, it was stunning, fascinating, and peaceful
7. I dislike confrontation and am actually very peace-loving (my husband might disagree!)
8. As a child I once did 40 forward rolls in one minute for a sponsored gymnastics event
9. I danced for 30 straight hours in a “Dance Marathon” when I was 19 years old.
10. I held a live, hairy, apparently harmless tarantula in my bare hand (when I was the subject of a psychology experiment, for people who have a fear of spiders!)
11. I have “perfect pitch”
Here are my nominees for the 2017 Liebster New Blogger Award. Feel free to check out their blogs!
Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
Display the award on your blog — I’ve used it as the header image for this post.
Answer 11 questions provided to you by the person who nominated you.
Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have less than 1000 followers.
Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.) Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is your favourite post from your own blog? Why?
3. What is your favourite book or film?
4. Who is someone who greatly inspires you? Why?
5. Do you have any pets? Share a picture if you can.
6. If you could have dinner with any famous person, who would it be?
7. What is your favourite food? And your least favourite?
8. Share an embarrassing story!
9. What are you most proud of in your life?
10. What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
11. Describe yourself in three words.
I look forward to reading all your posts and finding out more about you!
Great post. Was lovely reading all your answers. I’ll have to check out your chicken dish, once you write the post.
From your 11 random facts you’ve certainly had a full life.
Thankyou for the things you said about my post. The only way I have managed to write on my blog has been by ignoring the house work!!
Ooh yes thanks for reminding me! Once you’ve tried this chicken you’ll want to make a it a weekly staple, it is so yummy! Thanks so much for reading 🙂
A very interesting background to your blog!
Thank you!